What You Need To Know About Root Canals | Snohomish Dentist
Root canals are procedures done to help save and repair badly damaged and infected teeth. This process involves removing, cleaning and disinfecting of the damaged area, the pulp. After this, the pulp is filled and then sealed to prevent further damage. There are many factors involved as to why the pulp becomes damaged in the first place, such as cracked teeth, cavities, trauma, and even, repeated dental treatment.
Why do you need to get a root canal?
Root canals aren’t exactly very popular, mainly because many believe that they’re quite the painful procedure. While that’s true, most dentists attest to how it’s not that much more painful than getting a filling.
The main reason why you need to get a root canal is to alleviate the pain caused by the severe decay in your teeth. Though, the pain could also be caused by a crack or chip in your tooth, or periodontal disease in its advanced stages. Also, if the infection is left alone, it will spread and the pain will only grow worse. It may also go on to affect other teeth, which isn’t exactly good news.
Either way, root canals are one of the only two ways to help get rid of the pain.
Of course, root canals aren’t the only option. You can also opt for tooth extraction, though most dentists won’t really recommend this because it leads to a number of other problems that will require multiple procedures to deal with. Also, missing teeth can result in other complications which can negatively impact your dental health.
What happens during a root canal?
When it comes to root canals, the following things usually happen:
- The dentist will need to take an X-ray to check if you really do need a root canal, as well as to help them pinpoint just exactly where the problem areas are.
- Once the decay has been located, the dentist will proceed to administer local anesthesia to the affected area. This is so as to help remove the pain or, at the very least, make it more manageable.
- The dentist will then make an opening and proceed to remove the tooth pulp.
- Once the roots are open, they are then filled with material and sealed off with cement to prevent further problems.
What to do after a root canal?
Root canals have a very high success rate, so you can bet money that treated and restored teeth will last for a very long time.
Still, it pays to do a few things differently from then on, such as:
- Improving your oral hygiene – Brushing teeth regularly just isn’t enough anymore. You also have to floss regularly so that you can remove any food particles lodged in between your teeth and gums.
- Visiting the dentist more often – Chances are, the problems that led to you needing a root canal could’ve easily been prevented had you visit your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups.
Visit Dr. Ted Haines today to see if your oral health is in tip-top shape, and if not, discuss with you what your possible treatment options are. Make an appointment by calling 360-568-8577. Visit the website at www.tedhainesdds.com.
Dr. Haines of Snohomish, WA also proudly accepts patients from Monroe, Lake Stevens, Everett, Mill Creek, Woodinville, and surrounding areas.