What is Sleep Dentistry? | Dentist in Snohomish, WA
Sleep dentistry is preferred by some patients who may experience only slight anxiety to a severe dental phobia. For those with such conditions, sleep dentistry also allows your dentists to work more quickly and effectively. However, there are a number of different types of sleep dentistry.
So what are the different types of sleep dentistry?
-Oral Moderate sedation is typically given in the form of a pill in the same family as Valium. As a result, you’ll be very drowsy, but still often awake. A larger dose may be used to allow you to fully sleep, though you can often be awakened with a gentle shake.
-Light sedation, typically inhaled, often called ‘laughing gas’ - takes effect quickly, wears off quickly, and allows you to answer questions during the procedure. You’ll likely remember most of the procedure, but will feel little pain or discomfort.
-Deep sedation / general anesthesia is an option for some patients and procedures. With deep sedation, the patient is fully asleep, and must be closely monitored. The patient cannot be awoken quickly or easily. In many cases, a dentist may have an anesthesiologist available to administer anesthesia and monitor the patient while the dentist focuses on the oral procedure.
-IV Moderate sedation is given through a vein, and typically aims for effects similar to oral moderate sedation – anywhere from very drowsy to light sleep.
You should speak to your dentist about which may be right for you. The answer will depend on your medical history, level of anxiety, the length and nature of the procedure, and occasionally your budget or insurance. As is always the case, if you have any questions, Dr. Haines is here to guide you.
Call Dr. Ted Haines DDS for more information on sedation or to make an appointment today at 360-568-8577 or visit the website at tedhainesdds.com.
Dr. Haines of Snohomish, WA also proudly accepts patients from Monroe, Lake Stevens, Everett, Mill Creek, Woodinville, and surrounding areas.