Too Much Sugar Causes Diabetes and Gum Disease | Snohomish Dentist
Sugar causes cavities – this isn’t a mystery to any of us. If we eat too much and don’t brush afterwards, we are sure to have a bad report card at our next dental checkup. But cavities aren’t the whole issue. Too much sugar can contribute to the development of diabetes. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, glucose is present in your saliva and when diabetes is not controlled, high glucose levels in your saliva help harmful bacteria grow, and more dental issues than just cavities. These bacteria combine with food to form a soft, sticky film called plaque. Some types of plaque cause tooth decay or cavities, while others cause gum disease and bad breath. This is why diabetics need to be extra careful – because they are prone to gum disease more than non-diabetics. Even further, when blood glucose is high, this gum disease may have the potential to affect blood glucose control and contribute to the progression of diabetes.
It can be said that overconsumption of sugar may be a major cause of two of the most prevalent diseases in the world, i.e., gum disease and diabetes. National surveys have found that the average American consumes around 85 grams of sugar every day, and the recommended amount is a fraction of that. Overconsumption of sugar leads not only to cavities and gum disease, but also can predispose you to prediabetes and even diabetes. So, while you are celebrating the holiday season, keep your sugar intake in mind. And if you find you are overindulging, make sure you practice proper dental hygiene after every sweet treat.
If you would like more information about the sugar consumption effects, call Dr. Cindy Du, Dr. Joseph Szabo or Dr. Haines in Snohomish, WA at 360-568-8577 or visit
Drs. Du, Szabo & Haines proudly serves Snohomish and all surrounding areas.