Painless Dentistry: Is It Possible? | Snohomish Dentist
Are you afraid for going to the dentist? Have you ever asked yourself why? While there have been many excuses given as to why someone canceled their dental appointment, most of the time, it is the fear of pain that makes them so skittish. And no matter how much you try to rest their minds at ease, it is this fear of the dental procedure that will cause someone to “tough through” the pain, rather than remedy it. Now what if I told you that the dental industry has made great strides in trying to ease your fears? It’s true. With sedation dentistry, patients can have safe, mild forms of sedation while the procedure is being done, so they can relax calmly in the chair that gives the most anxiety. Additionally, the sedatives will also numb the areas that will be worked on, making the fear of pain during the procedure nonexistent. The anesthetic is temporary so by the time it wears off, the procedure is done and you were none the wiser. You may have to have a driver give you a lift home, but you are free and clear to leave after the procedure is complete.
There are many types of sedation available, and which you receive will depend on the procedure needed and your level of anxiety to have the procedure done. They can vary from minimal, where you are awake but feeling relaxed and calm about the procedure, to moderate, which leaves you awake but groggy. If you are in need of a more invasive procedure, you will need to have a stronger anesthetic given, one that will leave you awake, but you will have minimal consciousness. But if a major surgery is concerned, it is known that these are the procedures that give the patient the most anxiety. In this case, you will be given a general anesthetic that will leave you completely unconscious. You won’t be awake, you won’t feel anything, but you will definitely need a driver afterwards.
But how are they administered? For those that need minimal relief, it will generally be administered via a gas mask of laughing gas. No needles, no pain. For those that need a bit more, you will be given a pill to be taken orally prior to the surgery taking place. The reaction to it depends on the patient – some can stay awake, some are often groggy. For the extra-strength sedative, chances are you will need an IV. Not only will it keep you sedated throughout the procedure, but the dentist can adjust the dosage given to you the entire time. All versions are very safe and are generally paired with a topical anesthetic applied to the affected area. Not only will the anesthetic keep your mind off the situation at hand, but will truly keep it completely pain-free.
If you would like more information regarding sedation dentistry, contact Dr. Ted Haines, DDS in Snohomish, WA at 360-568-8577 or visit for additional information.
Dr. Ted Haines proudly accepts patients from Snohomish, Monroe, Lake Stevens, Everett, Mill Creek, Woodinville, and surrounding areas.