Mistakes You're Making When Brushing | Snohomish, Wa Dentist
Most people have heard that poor dental care is linked to heart disease, as well other health maladies.
And while you may brush regularly, chances are you're making at least one of these 6 mistakes. Here are the fixes for each.
1. You don't clean at the right time of day.
Your toothbrush should be the last thing your teeth touch at night. Snacking before you sleep significantly raises your risk for cavities if food stays lodged between your teeth. Your morning method is equally important: Protective saliva production slows down when you snooze, spurring the bacteria in your mouth to multiply even faster. Brush twice a day for at least 2 minutes, making sure you spend 30 seconds on each quadrant (your upper left teeth, your upper right teeth, and so on).
2. You use the wrong brush.
Pick a soft bristle toothbrush that can slip under your gum tissue and dislodge any plaque stuck there. If the plaque isn't removed, you increase your risk of developing gum disease. Brushing with a medium or hard model—and using excessive pressure—can cause your gums to recede and expose the surface of your roots, or the bottom of your teeth. Since the root surface isn't as hard as the exposed enamel-covered part of your teeth, scrubbing this area can wear it away more easily and cause little cavities.
3. You don't rinse.
Spitting out your toothpaste doesn't totally remove all the harmful stuff that you loosened while brushing. Adding an oral rinse to your routine is greatly beneficial to your oral health.
4. You follow the wrong technique.
A few straight strokes won't get the job done. Position the handle of your brush so the bristles point at a 30- to 45-degree angle when they touch your gum tissue. Rotate your wrist in a circular motion to effectively remove the plaque. When you move behind your front teeth, you should turn your tool vertically to better reach the entire tooth. And make sure to give special attention to the back of your mouth, since that area normally hides the largest amount of plaque.
5. You don't replace your brush.
The ADA recommends buying a new brush every 3 or 4 months. The average brush contains more than 10 million bacteria, according to one study. Worn bristles won't effectively remove plaque or bacteria. If you've been sick, swap out your brush immediately. Residual bacteria and viruses from an illness can cling to the brush and potentially re-infect you.
6. You ignore the rest of your mouth.
Your tongue traps harmful bacteria, too. Food or debris can easily get stuck in the crevices between the carpet-like strands, known as papillae, on the surface of your tongue(Source: Prevention.com). Run that toothbrush over your tongue as well!
Call Dr. Ted Haines DDS for an appointment today at 360-568-8577 or visit the website at tedhainesdds.com.
Dr. Haines of Snohomish, WA also proudly accepts patients from Monroe, Lake Stevens, Everett, Mill Creek, Woodinville, and surrounding areas.