It's National Smile Week | Snohomish Dentist
One of a dentist’s favorite weeks of the year is National Smile Week. Not only are smiles a sign of a happy human, but it also makes us happy to know we are helping to make your smile bright and healthy. In honor of National Smile Week, we’d like to take a moment to help make sure you are perpetuating a healthy smile until your next dental appointment. A healthy smile starts with dental hygiene, so keep your pearly whites their brightest with these: Dental hygiene. Not only do we need to brush, floss and rinse twice daily, but it is also a great idea to brush between meals if you can. Tooth decay is caused by the development of bacteria in our mouths, so having a quick brushing a half hour after eating will help reduce bacteria from causing tooth decay. If you don’t have a toothbrush handy, pop in a stick of sugar-free gum.
Drink your milk. Calcium is one of the main reasons our teeth are as strong as they are. If you don’t have enough in your diet, is can cause your teeth to weaken, making your teeth prone to damage. Keep your teeth strong by having plenty of calcium-rich foods in your diet.
Get a second opinion. You may think you have fantastic dental habits, but only a dental professional can really sign off on that. Keeping your dental appointments is important. Make sure you are visiting a dentist’s chair twice a year for a check-up.
If you are seeking help to improve your smile, call Dr. Haines in Snohomish, WA at 360-568-8577 or visit
Dr. Haines proudly serves Snohomish, Monroe, Lake Stevens, Everett, Mill Creek, Woodinville, and surrounding areas.