Drinks with Hidden Sugars and Oral Health - Snohomish, WA
Juice Drinks vs. Teeth It is important to consume adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables. These food groups provide vital nutrients that allow your body to function at its best. Multiple studies have shown that orange juice, lemon juice and grapefruit juice all can be acidic and harmful to your teeth. It is possible for these acids to harm not only your teeth but dental restorations as well. These fruits are important parts of your overall diet but limiting the amount of citric juice intake to once or twice a day is recommended. Dr. Ted Haines recommends you avoid sipping on acidic liquids all day long. Using a straw to avoid contact with teeth and gently rinsing your mouth with water after drinking acidic juices is a way to reduce your risk.
Sports Drinks vs. Teeth
Sports drinks and energy drinks might seem like healthy alternatives to soda, but they are not healthier for your teeth. Dr. Ted Haines, often sees the damage caused to the teeth and smile due to sports drinks. A new study from New York University College of Dentistry shows that sports drinks contain high levels of acids that may be linked to a condition called “erosive tooth wear”. In just 90 minutes of exposure to sports drinks over the course of a day the enamel coating on the teeth can be damaged and the teeth weakened. Sports drinks also contain a lot of sugar. In only a 12oz bottle of Gatorade, there are 10 and a half teaspoon of sugar. Most people do not drink only 12oz, they go for the 24 or 36 oz bottles. That can really add up on the amount of sugar we should be consuming daily. And can really add up on the amount of cavities that can occur!
Soda vs. Teeth
Dr. Ted Haines often sees the damage to teeth caused by soft drinks. Most people seem to be aware of the damaging effect of soft drinks on their teeth but are not concerned by it. According to the American Dental Association, Americans drink more than 53 gallons of soft drinks per person per year. Some soft drinks contain more than 11 spoonfuls of sugar (like Sunkist) which is used by the bacteria in your mouth to cause decay. Of greater concern is dental erosion, which is caused by acids in soda such as carbonic acid, citric acid, and phosphoric acid. You have seen what happens to a penny when you soak it in soda for a few hours. Over time these acids can damage the enamel of your teeth and lead to decay and need to restore those cavities. If a beautiful, healthy smile is your goal than avoiding soda is a good idea. If you are concerned about your smile, feel free to call Dr. Ted Haines at (360)568-8577 to schedule an appointment and keep your teeth healthy and radiant.