Are Fairies Taking Care of Our Children? | Snohomish Dentist
Losing your first tooth has become almost a rite of passage for tiny humans. Not only are they getting bigger, but when it is time for your tooth to start wiggling around in your mouth, you are guaranteed a ticket to “big kid” town. Yes, it is truly hitting the big time. And not only are you becoming a big kid, but you can expect some type of treat after you tuck that tooth under your pillow before bedtime. But why has this tradition come to pass? In honor of August 22nd being National Tooth Fairy Day, let’s take a closer look at why we have the Tooth Fairy ever-present in our childhoods… Believe it or not, the Tooth Fairy is just one of a group of fairies that were created in the 1920’s to teach our tiny humans lessons to stay in good health. There were fairies for everything – bath fairies and tooth whitening fairies – all of which taught our children to eat their veggies or go outside and play outside in the fresh air. In 1927, Esther Watkins Arnold created an 8-page playlet that brought what we know as the Tooth Fairy to life and was performed by children the following year. To knock in the fairy idea home, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published pictures of two little girls surrounded by “verified” fairies he claimed were real. Add a touch of Disney with their creations of Pinocchio and Cinderella and you have a perfect mythical character to help ease your child into the new world of losing their teeth and becoming a big kid.
If you would like more information about the Tooth Fairy, call Dr. Haines, Dr. Cindy Du or Dr. Joseph Szabo in Snohomish, WA at 360-568-8577 or visit
Dr. Haines, Du & Szabo proudly serves Snohomish and all surrounding areas.